2020年10月7日 星期三

[Marvel][Spideypool][G] Just chat. (英文段子)

Wade and Peter sitting on the tree.


Only kissing? I don’t think we will not ask more, like a full of white and sticky slime’s crazy sex marathon.

Because that doesn’t rhyme, idoit.

Well, see that: Wade and Peter lying on the tree F-U-C-K-I-N-G.

Brilliant, but spidy’s back will get hurt.

You’re right, we need to find some place rhyme with tree and soft enougt.

“Hey, wade” said Peter. ” no matter what are you thinking about, just STOP.”

“Not me, it’s White and Yellow. I can’t control their…I mean OUR thought, that’s Prof. Xavier’s mutant power, not mine.”

Deadpool look at Spiderman with his innocent face, trying to learn the Shrek‘s Puss in boots to make his eyes big and bling. Although the mask cover it well, but Peter totally know what does wade’s expression looks like. Don’t ask why, he just know it.

“Okay, now I’m consider to ask Prof. Xavier to control YOUR brain, maybe there have a little-tiny-micro-nano chance that he can make you being normal, but considering that might drive him crazy and than we have to fighting with a powerful insane mind-controller……” Peter give him a helpless look. “So I think this way doesn’t work, that too shame.”

Chaotic world, for chaotic me, perfect.


“Wait, it still work. If everybody crazy like me, that mean crazy mind is normal and normal thought are crazy, so Deadpool is normal.”


Due, you’re really mad.

Mad but interesting.

That mean we are going to find our mutant brothers?

“Ooooooh! That might be funny.” Wade said gladly. ”You wanna hide a leaf, you’ll hiding it in a tree.”

Tree again?

Try forest, more tree, more leaf, more safety.

“Now it about tree huh? what are you want to hide?” Peter ask.

“Hiding myself in the urban jungle you lived now, Tarzan.” Wade chuckle and said, and he knew that will make his pete laugh.


“If Prof. Xavier have mine mind, maybe X-man will get more fresh blood because my though will let tham getting attractive.”

But what if the entire world are crazy with our spidey?

You are right, Prof. Xavier’s mind were influenced by our…....

So he will thinking like us…….

And he’ll ruled whole world because he is most powerful mutant……

The whole world would thinking like him, it mean, THINKING LIKE US.

Theirs acting will like us……

Theirs prefer will like us……

“Oh no, we are right, writer, please delete the lase sentence I said, thank you.”

“What? who are you speaking to?”

“That crazy women behind the screen, oops, fourth wall.”

“It’s not another sound show up after white and yellow right?”

Spidey remember us!

He love us!

We love him too.

“Nope, just you, me, white and yellow.”

“That great, now get some awesome taco?”

